Granted, we do know that the BlackBerry PlayBook did run into issues in terms of sales figures in the past, and beleaguered smartphone manufacturer RIM does not seem to be in too good spirits these days. There have been rumors in the past of the BlackBerry PlayBook 4G being launched, and in one of the more recent excerpts from RIM CEO Thorsten Heins, it does seem as though the BlackBerry PlayBook 4G is ready to rock and roll sometime in the future. N4BB and BB FR did spend some time with the tablet, where it sported 4G connectivity as well as software version OS
Initial impressions pointed to a faster processor, and it could possible be a faster dual-core 1.5GHz chip that sees action. In addition, word has it that RIM has also begun to release such tablets to its corporate partners as well as other channels of distribution. BlackBerry Messenger does not seem as though it is installed on the tablet though. Do you think that the BlackBerry PlayBook 4G is going to be able to turn things around for RIM?